Monday, August 26, 2013

Honey- Olive You but You're Driving Me Coco(nut)

Honey- Olive You but You're Driving Me Coco(nut)

This is my go to Hot Oil Treatment, when my hair needs some extra TLC. It gives my hair life! Its super easy, and you may already have these products in your kitchen.

What you Need:

EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
EVCO ( extra virgin coconut oil)
Raw or Organic Honey (raw it the best, buts quite expensive)
Measuring Spoon/Cups
Bottle with a nozzle 
Cup of  hot water


1/2 Cup of EVOC
1/4 Cup of EVOO
1 TBSP of Honey

You will need to microwave a cup of water, but do not boil. While you are heating up you water, combine all the ingredients in the bottle with the nozzle. Once your water is heated up place the bottle in the hot water to heat up the oil treatment. I highly recommend that you DO NOT heat the oil treatment in the microwave directly. You don't want to burn yourself and you don't want to change the structure of the oil honey, it will cause the honey to crystallize. Once your oil has warmed up apply it evenly, focusing mostly on your ends. Allow it sit 20 - 30 minutes, then rinse out with a shampoo or conditioner.

*If your oil treatment begins to cool too much, just reheat your water. Do not add more honey unless you double the amount of EVOO or EVCO, this will give you that sticky feeling. The ratio should always remain the same.

If your struggling with keeping your hair moisturized  I recommend doing this once a week. This can be done as a prepoo or as a deep conditioning after cleansing with a shampoo or cowashing.

Three Series Hair Chat with Tippy

One of my favorite things about my hair and all hair is that its a great conversation starter. No mater where I am, I get stopped and asked what do I do to get my hair so curly, what products am I using, and how I use the products. Often times the conversation is about the struggles of having natural hair, and not being able to find products that work for your hair type. I have decided to make this a three series discussion. The first post will be my regimen technique, the second post will be how I use my staple products, and the third topic will be interactive;consisting of FAQ's by email submission, IG posts, and my advice.So, if you have any questions, you want answered please email them to, IG using hash tag #asktippy, or under this blog post. Also, if you have any suggestions or advice, I want to hear from you as well. Please have all your questions in by, Friday August 30, 2013. You can email any pictures that you would like to share via email, I will give you full credit for all submissions. Cant wait to answer your questions, and here your thoughts.
I'm having a moment with my hair....(sigh). I want a drastic change, the type of change usually propelled by a really bad break up. I guess I should be grateful that I’m not going through a break up, although I could stand  to lose a few pounds. I have narrowed down the type of change that I want. I have decided that I would be quite content with a hair color change. When I say drastic, I mean Blonde, not Mary Jay blonde, more of like a honey blond. I realize that I may be gambling going from black to blonde, but it’s a risk I'm willing to take. Before I go any further, here is a pic of one of my favorite bloggers, Mckenzie Renae, and this is the color I have in mind.

Source: @MckenzieRenae (IG)

Told you, it was a drastic change in hair color. Besides the fact that it that its going to take a lot to lift my color to color, is the timing. Winter is fast approaching, and that means that it will bring in nothing but dry air. No moisture, but the potential of losing more moisture than usual. I have a pretty solid hair regimen for the winter months. I rely on thicker products, less washing, and more intense deep conditioning, but will that be enough? I know that the majority of people are going to say wait till the spring. In theory, this is logical, and probably the best thing for my hair. My answer; I can’t possibly wait that long, that's like five years in hair years. I know I'm a drama queen! My concern is whether a solid regimen is enough. So I want to know what you all think. Do you think I should wait? Have any of  you had your hair colored in the winter or exiting color? What was your experience? What did you do to keep your hair healthy?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hair Woes: Solved

I'm sure that at some point in your hair journey you have been reached a plateau, where you no longer see the results that you were seeing previously... does that make sense? It may sound something like this; my hair isn't growing anymore; my hair doesn't like this product anymore; my hair doesn't curl up the way that it use to... I mean the list goes on and on. I am just as guilty as the next person of saying some or all of those things, but here's the thing, it’s not all true. I’m going tell you my experience with some of the most notorious "hair problems" and how what you are doing contributes to the problem.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Part 1: Get them Curls Poppin!

Get them Curls Poppin!

I practice what I preach. My is saturated with Aussie Moist Conditioner

I think that the universal goal for most naturally curly girls is curl definition. I can’t begin tell you how many times people say " My hair isn't going to curl up like yours" well of course it's not! No two curls are created equal. No product will work for every curl type. This blog post is going to be about how to get curl definition for YOUR hair type. If you are considering going natural but still not fully convinced or comfortable about the Natural hair craze this is definitely a must read for you!

Curl Envy Syndrome (CES): Lusting after the curls of someone else resulting in damage to your own hair. Curl envy is a real "Syndrome" that can often prevent the ability for your hair to reach its full growth potential. Let me first start off by saying, that a little curl envy never hurt nobody, in fact Curl Envy is a necessary part in the hair journey. It keeps you motivated in your journey to reach your hair goals. It only becomes a problem, when you begin taking care of hair that's not growing form your scalp. What does that mean? If you have a very kinky hair texture (type 4A-C), but you use products that are for very fine and wavy hair (type 3A-C), then your Curl Envy is going to be what prevents you from getting the desired results that you are seeking. Do not buy purchase products or care for the hair you WANT, purchase products and care for the hair you HAVE. That is almost 95% of the cause of why people say being natural is hard, or that there hair is never moisturized, lacks definition, and is always frizzy. Here's the solution if you find yourself in this situation.
First, feel your hair up, yup I said that! No really feel your hair up, you need to know how your hair feels when it is fully moisturized, and you need to know how your hair feels when it is dry. Don't rely on blogs, YouTube, or someone else to tell you when your hair is dry or moisturized. I mean doesn't that sound slightly ridiculous to rely on someone, who has no knowledge of your hair, to tell you when your hair is in need of something. Take what you learn and apply it to your regimen IF it fits your hair needs. I remember when I went natural; I read that you should apply a moisturizer to your hair every day. For over a month I couldn't figure out why my hair was so limp, frizzy, lifeless, and dry. How could my hair be dry? I moisturized my hair every day, just like the YT video said. I even applied the Birth Control Method, moisturizing my hair at the exact same time every day. Finally, one day after I washed my hair, I decided to see what happened, if I applied less product, and if I didn't moisturize my hair every day. From that day on, my hair did a complete about face. I applied some of the things that I found online via YT and blogs, but I started to feel my hair up, in order to determine what my hair needed. Finally I started to get the definition I wanted, because I started to take care of the hair that I HAD, not the hair that I WANTED.  My hair was literally being suffocated from all the product that I was using to "moisturize" it. I started using products that worked for my hair! NEWS FLASH: Shea butter is not a universal product for all natural hair. IT DOES NOT work for every curl, in fact you may be experiencing less then desirable results due to the heavy oils and butters that you are using. Here is how to discover your curl potential, for YOUR hair.

 1. Start with clean hair. You can achieve this by whatever method you use to cleanse your hair. I recommend clarifying your hair. Clarifying your hair will allow you to know how your hair feels with zero product, or build up. You can clarify your hair with a commercial clarifying shampoo. If you are following the CGM, then a noo poo cleanser or sulfate/chemical free, cleansing conditioner product will be your option. If you are looking for a more natural approach try using Bentonite Clay mixed with raw apple cider vinegar.
2. Determine if you hair is coarse or fine. This can easily be determined my pulling out a single strand of hair, or by separating a single strand of attached hair from the bulk of your hair. Click here to determine if you have coarse or fine hair. Knowing whether you have coarse or fine hair (not to be confused with hair type) will ultimately tell you what products are the best for your hair. When I say the best products, I am referring to consistency and the molecular weight of a product. The coarser your hair is the heavier your products will be, and the finer your hair the lighter your products will be.
3. Assuming you have followed the steps above, let’s move on. If you decided to skip the steps above, your outcome will reflect that. Now that you know what clean hair feels like and you identified your hair texture. Let’s get them curls poppin! Now saturate your hair with water, make sure you allow the water to run through your hair for a 3 to 5 minutes. I recommend doing this in the shower; saturate your hair with a cheap conditioner. Now, you want to use a conditioner with good slip, I recommend, Aussie Moist, any Suave conditioner, Tresseme Natural, Tresseme for Curls just to name a few. Depending on your hair texture you can rake the product the product through your hair. If you have very coarse hair, I suggest just applying the product without raking it through. If you have a finer hair texture, I recommend raking it through with you finger. Once you have applied the conditioner get out the shower, Cover your hair with a plastic shower cap, trash bag, or saran wrap, and chill out IN the Bathroom for 5 minutes. Let the steam from the shower create a sauna like effect for your hair. After 5 five minutes remove your cap from your hair. You can now see your true and natural curl pattern and your curl potential when your hair is fully moisturized.

 Part 2: Will be how to maintain the definition after you rinse out the conditioner.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Breakfast at Tiffany's: It aint easy being natural, or is it?

Today’s post is about something that I wish I would have known early on in my hair journey. I was originally going to post this later on, but today  I was at church and several people asked what I do to my hair to get to get it this way. Of course I shared what I do, but then I always end with what works for my hair may not work for your hair. In particular I was talking to a mother and her daughter and they were kind of at a point of frustration with their hair. I knew EXACTLY how they felt. The frustration with natural hair is the never ending battle. These women both had amazing and gorgeous curls, but they just couldn’t get the results they were looking for. I could see their curl potential and so I am posting this sooner then I wanted to, but I think that the timing is perfect and necessary. Something I believe could have helped me get to where I am a little faster, but what good is a lesson learned without a journey traveled? What I'm about to share with you could have you questioning everything that you know about natural hair and the methods that you use to care for your hair. Before I share this information with you it’s going to require a few things from you. I need for you to be open and willing to temporarily forget everything that you know and everything that you have learned about natural hair so far. Some of us arrived at the decision to go natural by mistake or intentionally. I am one of those people that ended up there by mistake I had no clue what being natural was all about. I started my hair journey before it was the trend it is currently. I'd never heard of it, all I knew was that I didn't want to get another relaxer. I remember stumbling on an article by Oprah’s hair stylist on hair typing, for those unsure as to what hair typing is click here. The discovery of this system, at the time, felt like the answer to all my questions, but in retrospect it was an avoidable obstacle in my hair journey. Something that I've learned in general outside of hair is that we have an unnatural obsession with labels. We feel more comfortable and confident when a label is attached. Labels allow or dictate to us how we should handle ourselves or what we should do in order to stay in that label. This is why I’m against hair typing, because you treat the hair that you think you have based on the label, rather than treat the hair that you actually have. Instead of exploring on your own to find the products that work best for you hair you rely on hair typing to tell you the product that would be best for your hair type. It took me almost eight months to realize that the only thing standing in the way of having the hair that I wanted was my label obsessed mindset. What I am about to share with you is what I wish someone would have to told me!  

            Treat the hair that you have, not the hair you want. I am guilty as sin for this, as long as you treat the hair you aspire to have, you will never have the hair you desire. In order to get the hair you desire, you need to be realistic and you need to treat the hair you have. Let me explain what I mean when I say that. If you DESIRE to have curly hair, but you have straight hair, and you buy products for curly hair, well then the outcome will be very disappointing. If you have a very coarse and kinky texture, then it is unrealistic to think that by using a product that the outcome will be wind blowing, springy, and bouncy curls. No matter what you use that will not be the outcome, so don’t waste your time, money, and patience on products that do not treat and nourish the hair that you have. The sooner you come to this realization, the sooner you will begin to get the results you want. Become more educated on what works for your hair, not what you have been told works best, by trying new products. Experimenting has been one of the best parts about being natural is trying new products, but don’t let it clean out your pockets.

            The perfect moisturizing product DOES exist. Yes you read right, it DOES exist, and you already have it, so take your shoes back off, put your car keys down, and put your wallet back in your purse. Water is the ultimate and ONLY true moisturizer. I don’t care what you have read, what video you have watched, and what YouTube guru said, WATER IS THE ONLY TRUE MOISTURIZER! Oils, cream, butters, deep conditioners, leave-ins are all used to trap water in. Most people will say chose a products that has water listed as the either the first or second ingredient, well why spend money on a product that will provide moisture, when you can just use water. The moment that I learned this, boy did my hair thank me! I had spent so much time looking for the best moisturizer and not to mention spent more money than I care to admit, only to realize the damage I was unknowingly inflicting on my hair. Use oils and moisturizes for their true purpose, to trap or seal in water. Now you don’t have to believe me, because your hair will prove will prove me right.

Switch up! I have said this in a few other of my blog post, as the season’s change you need to switch up your products. In the winter time we instinctively begin to adapt and to protect our bodies from the cold, by wearing warm clothing, putting on a coat when we go outside, and turning on our heat. You wouldn’t walk outside wearing a tank top, shorts, and sandals when its 20 degrees outside? So then why would you take the same approach with your hair? In the winter the air is drier, and colder, so the products that you use should help combat the effects of winter. The products that you use should be heavier in consistency; your products should have little to no humectants. Humectants are meant to pull moisture from the hair into your hair. In the winter the air is characteristically dry, so you don’t want to attract more dry air into your hair. Thus, when the climate begins to warm, your products need to change as well. In the warmer months your products should be lighter, and contain humectants. Your hair will tell you what its need by the way it feels and the way it sounds when you touch it.

            Don’t go broke over your hair. I have tried almost everything that you can think of. When I first started out, I can remember thinking that being natural is expensive. I was spending entirely way too much money on hair products when I didn’t have to. I have received better results with cheaper product then the expensive products. I remember seeing a product that promised the usual: long, shiny, bouncy, fluffy, blah, blah, blah hair. It had pure tea tree oil, and tit had a hefty price tag to match $300.00! I was beyond flabbergasted, and then I just laughed, because if I didn’t know what I know now I would have probably bought it. I mean why spend 300.00 on a product with “pure” tea tree oil, when you could go to Trader Joes and buy pure tea tree oil for $10.00. I can literally spend less than $20.00 a month to adequately care for my hair. So don’t go broke chasing after hair growth, when you could easily get the same results with cheaper product.

            Get rid of the hair type hype- not completely! I think that the hair typing chart is helpful, when used as a reference. I think that when you rely on any information to dictate what you use on your hair, instead of what is actually best for it, that’s where the problem lies. In the beginning I only used products that were best for my hair type. My hair was frizzy, lifeless, dull, dry, and some more stuff. I couldn’t figure out why. Then one day I decided to try something different, instead of using heavy oils and shea butter, I decided to use lighter products. The outcome was more than I expected, that’s also when I realized that I wasn’t the hair type that I thought I was. WHAT???? I went into a complete shock! The lesson that I hope that you will take away from this is take control of your main. Step outside the realm of hair typing, and try new products, even if it’s not for your hair type. If you try a product and it doesn’t work, stop using it, and move on. The reality is that most of us have more than one hair type on our head, so you will never fall into to one hair type, the products that you use can alter your hair texture from style to style, and as you get older your hair texture will change, so what works this year or has worked for many years may not work all the time.

            Embrace shrinkage! The more you fight shrinkage, the more you will lose the battle. There are things that you can do to help fight the cause, but you will never be able to completely overcome shrinkage. Some of my tips for fighting shrinkage are; allowing the hair to dry to about 75% and then apply your products, plopping (click here to find out what plopping is),  ad using seamless hair clamps on the length of the hair to weigh it down. You can use several methods to stretch the hair out, but it will never eradicate the problem.

            Finally, have fun with this journey, and remember its just hair! End of Story!  I love my hair, and I am very attached to it, but it’s just hair.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Who I Am performed by Nikki Lerner

Nikki Lerner
I attend Bridgeway Community Church, and Nikki Lerner is the Musical Director. I can't begin to describe how amazingly talented she click and listen for yourself. Share this video with everyone you know! I will work on getting an interview from her and her musical background. I couldn't wait to share this video! Enjoy